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The Hero's


For this contract, you will be using the information that you are learning in social studies about the Aztecs and the Spanish as the basis for the creation of an original heroic myth. The legendary narrative that you create will then be performed as either a symbolic dance or using the techniques of Balinese shadow puppet performance. How you perform your legend will depend on the role you are assigned- conquered or conqueror, colonized or colonizer.


The Hero’s Journey, or ‘Monomyth’ is the foundational structure of myths, legends and narratives from many cultures all over the world. It is so prevalent in culture that it could be called the universal structure of the stories of all peoples. In these stories, the hero begins in the ordinary world, and receives a call to enter an unknown world of strange powers and events. The hero who accepts the call to enter this strange world must face tasks and trials, either alone or with assistance. In the most intense versions of the narrative, the hero must survive a severe challenge, often with help. If the hero survives, h/she may achieve a great gift (power, knowledge or reward) The hero must then decide whether to return to the ordinary world with this ‘gift’. If the hero does decide to return, he or she often faces challenges on the return journey. If the hero returns successfully, the ‘gift’ may be used to improve the world.As a component of this contract, you will be working through a series of specific steps-


1. Establish who you are-Are you an Aztec or Spanish citizen? What is your role in this conflict? Are you a simple farmer or captain of a ship on its voyage to the New World? Who you decide that you are will in part determine your perspective on the Legend you are creating.


2. Outline your legend-Using the Hero’s Journey template, you will come up with the story for your legend. Remember, the Heroic character will support whatever side you happen to be on, and that will necessarily be the side of ‘good’.


3. Develop a performance to tell your story-In sharing your story, it will have already have achieved the status of myth. Your audience will be familiar with your story to the point that simply speaking it will be ineffective. To tell your story, you will be working in small groups to create a symbolic language of movement, gesture, images and sounds. The colonized will be using the language of dance to tell their story and the colonizers will be sharing their legend through shadow puppet techniques. What is common to both is that you will be working with metaphor and symbolism to tell your story.


Students will be working with Ms. Amanda and Mr. Thomas in the development of their performances. Some things to keep in mind:


This is not a literal telling of historical facts, rather, history is a basis for the allegory you are creating. The more personal connections you make between characters and events, the more compelling your story will be.


Be coherent and consistent with your historical contexts - how would these groups view heroism? What, in each of these cases makes for a real hero?


School Portion: Students will be given class time to work on this contract.


Home Portion: Anything not completed during class time.


How Can I Help my Child?  Ask to see what your child is working on and provide them with feedback and support. Check in 1- Check ins will be regularly done throughout this project. In order to advance to the next step, the previous step must be complete.


Due Date - The sharing of these myths and legends will be on Tuesday June 3rd.

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